Woman Adunni Amodeni Sexual pleasures are meant to be enjoyed by both husband and wife. A woman took to the social media to narrate how her husband cannot sleep every night without sucking her vagina. Feeling lost and alone
According to MaDailyGist, the woman recounts that: “We have been married for 2 years now. If he travels, I go with him just because of this. We don’t have kids yet. When I’m on my period we make arrangement for a girl he can suck before he can sleep. The girl comes to the room, get on the bed and after sucking her and she cums my hubby will sleep off there and she can go to the guest room. PAY I once arranged for one girl but she doesn’t have clitoris cos of circumcision so it was hard for her to cum so hubby was just like a crazy animal that night, he just kept twisting his finger inside her vigorously with his mouth stuck on her labia and his leg was just twitching, still she didn’t cum. I had to take her back and that night went out to look for someone. When I came back without anybody his eyes were just red and he said I should go and wash my period thoroughly and come and lie down which I did so that he can suck and sleep. Is anybody going through this? I’m tired of this. I feel nothing in my punani anymore.” Gobe!
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