16 signs that he loves you even if he doesn't say it

Many men find it hard at times to express their love. Just because he doesn’t say it often,
it doesn’t mean he doesn't love you.
It’s possible that your man doesn’t think he needs to tell you because he believes his actions speak louder than words.
Here are 16 actions that show he loves you, even if he doesn’t always say it:
1. HE HELPS YOU EVEN WHEN HE’S BUSY. He has to practice a presentation for work, work on the taxes and meet his brothers to plan their dad’s birthday party, but he chooses to put a new tube in your bike so that you don’t have to take the bus tomorrow.
2. HE HOLDS YOUR HAIR WHEN YOU THROW UP. There are few actions more loving than caring for someone who is barfing her guts out. If he takes care of you when you’re a hot mess, he loves you.
3. HE MAKES YOU FEEL BEAUTIFUL. Even if he doesn’t tell you you’re beautiful all the time, you feel beautiful just being around him.
4. YOU ARE HIS PRIORITY. He puts you before everyone and everything else in his life.
5. HE REMEMBERS THINGS THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU. He doesn’t forget the little things that matter to you. Because if it’s important to you, it’s important to him.
6. HE ASKS YOUR OPINION. When he’s making a decision, he wants to know your thoughts because he values them.

7. HE COVERS YOU WITH A BLANKET. Your man loves you if he tucks a blanket around you when you’re cold. Little acts of service like this show that he wants you to be happy.
8. HE SAYS “WE” INSTEAD OF I. He believes you are a vital part to his acceptance. He doesn’t see himself anymore; he sees both of you.
9. HE CALLS YOU FIRST. Before anyone else, you’re the person he wants to tell news to. If he calls you first, he loves you most.
10. HE LOOKS AT YOU WHEN YOU’RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION. If you catch his eyes on you when you aren’t paying attention, he has some deep feelings for you.
11. HE RESPECTS YOU. Your husband recognizes your individuality and respects you as person.
12. HE’S HAPPY WHEN YOU’RE HAPPY. If he loves you, your emotions are going to affect his own. He can’t be chipper when you’re miserable, because he feels your pain.
13. HE SAYS “I’M SORRY”. If he loves you, he’s willing to admit his mistakes. If nothing else, he’s sorry that he hurt you.
14. HE’S KIND TO YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY.A man’s love will extend to people who are important to the woman he loves. He will try his best to always leave your friends and family with a good impression.
15. HE TRIES TO MAKE YOU LAUGH. One of his favorite things is hearing you laugh, so he does whatever he can to coax out your giggles.
16. HE MAKES PLANS. His future has you in it and he isn’t shy about letting you know that. He’ll set plans with you in mind.

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