10 Things That Secretly Turns A Man On.

Every man varies in his own desire. What might be one man’s spice and turn-on, for another, might be a great turn off. But according to my little research, I can say that what turns a guy on is very surprising than you think.

1. A woman with strong confidence and self esteem

She can’t easily be trampled upon, she knows her worth.

2. She’s not very picky

Guys love to be with a lady they are relaxed and free with not with a lady who finds fault in everything.

3. She smells nice

How you smell can draw him to you or drive him away. Guys are usually attracted to a lady who smell nice and distinctively.

4. The manner with which she relates with her family can go a long way to tell how much she values family relationship.

5. A woman who doesn’t complain too much

Too much whining is irritating and disturbing. A woman who doesn’t complain too much is good to have around.

6. She’s moderately dressed

A lot of guys do prefer a lady with natural looks to a lady who is heavily made up. And also a girl who’s moderately dressed to a girl whose dressing portrays materialism.

Note: Looks has nothing to do with ones personality.

7. Guys are more attracted to ladies who gives them a little gift of what they made from the scratch. It could be a little cake, a love card, a handmade handkerchief all made by you. They value and cherish it.

8. An intelligent woman

A woman who knows how to use what she has such as skills and knowledge to make a better life for herself is a turn on to any man. Intelligence is not only restricted to books and smartness.

9. She defends him

Just as a man is seen as more defensive of theirs partners, it’s same way they wish to be protected. Guys are turned on by ladies who are willing to defend them.

10. Guys easily open up to ladies with whom they are emotionally connected. They get turned on by a lady who understands their emotions.

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