Why Is It So Hard To Find A Good Man? 7 Reasons Explained

It’s not like finding a goos man was easier in the past, but the only difference then was that when you got to a certain age and you weren’t married you’re parents would tell their friends “Wassup, i have a 26 year old single daughter who is probably a virgin and ready to marry. Who has a son that is looking for a wife” and bam you’re married. It was that easy. But now things are different and it’s so ironic that with the number of dating apps and social media apps it’s still hard for women to find good men to marry.

1. PAST BAGGAGE IS A BIG PROBLEM: No one is immune to having a rocky past, and sometimes that past can interfere with how that person moves forward ― if they move forward at all. Messy baggage can keep even the great guys in hiding for a long time.

2. BEING A COMMITMENT’PHOBE IS NOW CULTURALLY ACCEPTED, WELL SORTA: We live in a world where being scared of commitment has simply become the norm. If a man doesn’t want to commit, people are rarely surprised. Since that’s the case, they’ll just keep on skipping out on commitment and sticking to hookup culture, because it’s so accepted.

3. TECH HAS DIVIDED US: How can anyone possibly find a good man or anyone at all when we live in a world where technology rules and our most intimate relationships are with our iPhones? We can’t.

4. POWER INTIMIDATES SOME MEN: In comparison to the past few decades, women are more independent than ever. This success and power, for some reason, can be intimidating for some men who, perhaps, realize that they’ll never be the “man” his female partner is.

5. HOOKING UP IS NOW THE ORDER OF THE DAY: Although I would never knock hooking up, it has replaced dating and even relationships. Men don’t want to be with one woman only, if they have an entire buffet at their disposal.

6. MEN ARE CHILLING FOR ‘THE ONE’: It’s a sad thought, but in a world with so many options, people can become immersed in the idea that something better might be just around the corner. Because that’s the case, it’s hard to find a man who wants to commit when they’re thinking that the next woman they meet could be perfect ― whatever perfect is.

7. PEOPLE HAVE MORE OPTIONS COMPARED TO THE PAST: While it’s good to have options, it can be bad when there are too many options. At any given moment a guy can sit down at a dating app and immediately have endless options of women from which to choose. Because of that, it’s hard for them to give one woman a shot for more than a hot minute.

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